Wednesday, 2 September 2015

New Active Directory Users not appearing in SysAid

New Active Directory Users not appearing in SysAid


I've just finished configuring my new install of Sysaid and have to say it is by far my favourite piece of helpdesk software. Customisation is easy and it is very user friendly. One issue I have had though is that from time to time new users aren't being pulled across from Active Directory. You should also be able to follow the final step of this guide if you are configuring LDAP integration for the first time. 

If new users don't appear in the end users tab in Sysaid, follow these steps to refresh it:

  • Log onto the server hosting your Sysaid installation 
  • Browse to %SysAidServer%\root\WEB-INF\userfiles
  • Delete the folder within, named after your account
  • Restart the 'SysAidServer' service
  • Within Sysaid, go to Settings > Integration > LDAP and click the LDAP configuration wizard button 

 Re enter your LDAP details into the box and click save

 Now scroll to the bottom and set the Schedule; Start Time to a few minutes into the future, make sure the box is ticked and the Rerun box is set to day

 Now click save and your user list should refresh when the scheduled time arrives

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