Tuesday 26 February 2019

Use RHEL DVD as a Yum repository

Firstly, insert your DVD and mount it to /media/cdrom (or anywhere you would normally mount it and change the path in the code below)
To get yum use the RHEL DVD as a repository, add the file ‘rhel-dvd.repo’ in /etc/yum.repos.d with the following content:
name=Red Hat Enterprise Linux Installation DVD
The baseurl needs to point to the folder which contains the repodata folder. On the RHEL7 media this is directly in the mounted directory of the disc, in this case /media/cdrom so the file above should be adjusted accordingly.This will add a repository named ‘dvd’ and is disable it so that a normal 'yum' command won't read it by default. In order to use this repository, add ‘–enablerepo=dvd’ to your command for example. You can also add --nogpgcheck if you don't have the gpg keys installed and are unable to. This is a security feature that is there to prevent the downloading of malicious packages so should only be done when the installation source is trusted
# yum install --enablerepo=dvd --nogpgcheck packagename