Friday, 14 August 2015

Installing VMWare Tools from a Red Hat Shell

Installing VMWare Tools from a Red Hat Shell

Installing and Upgrading VMware tools on Red Hat is very straightforward. In the steps below I will demonstrate what to do assuming that you are happy to install under /opt and accepting the defaults during the installation. There are some advanced features you can choose to enable during installation as well as choosing different locations for the software to find key files.

From vSphere right click the Virtual Machine, guest, Install/Upgrade VMWare Tools. Next run the commands below.

  1. mkdir -p /mnt/cdrom          - This creates the directory /mnt/cdrom which we will mount the VMtools installer to
  2.  mount /dev/cdrom /mnt/cdrom -This mountes the media the virtual machine see's as it's CDROM drive to the directory /mnt/cdrom
  3. cd /opt
  4. cp /mnt/cdrom/VMversionname.tar.gz /opt
  5. tar -xvzf VMversionname.tar.gz
  6. cd vmware-tools-distrib
  7. ./
  8.  Hit enter to accept each default answer through the installation

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