Friday, 27 May 2016

Exchange report all users with a particular email address domain

For on premise exchange servers:

Launch an Exchange Management Shell and run this command, substituting for the you want to look for such as mydomain .com

Get-Mailbox -resultsize unlimited | Select-Object displayname -expandproperty emailaddresses| Where-Object {$_.smtpaddress -like "**"}| Select-Object displayName,SmtpAddress | Export-csv C:\domain.csv

This will save a .csv file to your C drive with a list of accounts that have an email address for that domain

For Exchange Online:

Launch a powershell session and run Connect-msolservice. Enter your 365 credentials then run the command below

Get-MsolUser -ReturnDeletedUsers | Where {$_.ProxyAddresses -like "*"} | FL DisplayName,UserPrincipalName , ProxyAddresses

This will output the results to your powershell terminal